About Me

Magdalena Habersck (MICHP,DHP, ADHP) is a Clinical Hypno- Psychotherapist and Hypno-Counsellor with Masters Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy. She uses an integrative aproach, drawns from evidence-based methodologies such as Cognitve Behavioural Therapy,Psychoanalysis, Hypnotherapy. There are different types of treatment: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be used to treat people with a wide range of mental health problems. CBT is based on the idea that how we think (cognition), how we feel (emotion) and how we act (behavior) all interact together. Solution focused brief Therapy - instead of placing focus on past experiences, solution-focused brief therapy works to explore a person's present circumstances and future goals Analytical Therapy - (also called hypnoanalysis; approximately between 6 and 14 sessions, 50-60 minutes per session) is used to discover the original cause of psychological and emotional problems. It is a means to get to the root cause of the problem. can be effective in dealing with deeper issues and involves psychotherapy using hypnosis. Analytical hypnotherapy seeks to find the root cause of a problem, and deal with the issue.It is used to treat the longer-term problems such as anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and many other phobias and symptoms. Analytical hypnotherapy is a very involving process and usually requires much more commitment than suggestion therapy. However, once the root cause has been identified and dealt with, the results can be life changing. Where as suggestion therapy manages a problem, analytical hypnotherapy aims to resolve it. Suggestion Therapy - works well with the simpler problems like smoking; exam stress; weight problems; confidence; nail biting and requires one 2h session usually. It is often used when there is no root cause that needs to be dealt with, or when there are time constraints (such as an individual wanting to deal with a fear of flying).


Hypnotherapy for 10+ years

Magdalena Habersck (MICHP,DHP, ADHP) is a Clinical Hypno- Psychotherapist and Hypno-Counsellor with Masters Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy. She uses an integrative aproach, drawns from evidence-based methodologies such as Cognitve Behavioural Therapy,Psychoanalysis, Hypnotherapy. Professional hypno-psychotherapy in a confidential, safe, non-judgmental setting, working from therapy rooms based in Victoria Cross in Cork. Issued treated with hypno-psychotherapy would include: anxieties; depression; sleep disturbances (inc insomnia); phobias; panic attacks; stress, etc


Magdalena Habersack uses an integrative aproach, drawns from evidence-based methodologies such as Cognitve Behavioural Therapy,Psychoanalysis, Hypno-psychotherapy, My approach is tailored to suit the individual and the issues they are presenting with. My core approach is person-centred and will then draw on a selection of other therapeutic approaches such as Solution Focused Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and many more.


Magdalena Habersck (MICHP,DHP, ADHP) is a Clinical Hypno- Psychotherapist and Hypno-Counsellor with Masters Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy. She uses an integrative aproach, drawns from evidence-based methodologies such as Cognitve Behavioural Therapy,Psychoanalysis, Hypnotherapy. Studied ICHP Institute for Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy Australia at ICHP Hypno-Psychotherapy Australia Studied ICHP Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy Ireland at ICHO Hypnotherapy
